Aufgaben – das möchten wir dir anvertrauen:
- Kreative Entwicklung, Planung und Umsetzung von Werbekampagnen (online und offline) in Zusammenarbeit mit externen Agenturen und in Abstimmung mit der Marketing-Leitung
- Pflege der Website und der Online Portale mit der Durchführung saisonaler Anpassungen, dem Einstellen von Packages u.v.m.
- Redaktionelle Pflege / Content-Erstellung für diverse externe und Inhouse Kanäle, u.a. Website, Inhouse-Print Produkte & Screens, Online Portale, etc.
- Durchführung von verkaufsfördernden Maßnahmen in Abstimmung mit der Marketing-Leitung und unserem Reservierungsteam
- Grafische Gestaltung von Drucksorten, Inseraten, Banner, etc., Branding von Shop-Produkten
- Aufbau und Pflege eines Kooperationsnetzwerks und Umsetzung von passenden Kooperationen
- Mitgestaltung von Newsletter Kampagnen und Mitbetreuung unserer Social Media Kanäle
- Unterstützung bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Fotoshootings und Videoproduktionen
- Administrativ
Beantworten von allgemeinen Anfragen Gästebewertungen beantworten Englische Übersetzungen diverser Inhalte auf der Website und für Drucksorten - PR / Pressetexte
Erstellen von Presseaussendungen Beantwortung und Betreuung von Presseanfragen
In your career, let’s prove what’s possible.
- Training Content (support evaluation of contents)
- Web-Based Training (create and update interactive trainings with Articulate Storyline)
- BKM Video creation
- Learning Management system (support of maintenance in LMS system)
Salzburg, Wernberg, Wien
Salzburg, Wernberg, Wien
Wir sind das "I" und "T" in Retail...:
- Die Anforderungsanalyse für die SPAR-Webseiten auf Basis von Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) durchzuführen und weiterzuentwickeln
- Verantwortung für einzelne Applikationen und Produkte zu übernehmen und deren Weiterentwicklung voranzutreiben
- Die Qualitätssicherung im agilen Entwicklungsprozess zu gewährleisten und kontinuierlich zu verbessern
- In enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Teams aus Entwicklung, Betrieb und Fachbereich maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu gestalten
- Technische Herausforderungen zu identifizieren und innovative Lösungen umzusetzen
At a glance
- Assist in planning and executing marketing programs and campaigns
- Track and support marketing actions based upon competitor analysis
- Work closely with the marketing team to align content with overall marketing campaigns and goals
- Monitor the content calendar to maintain a steady flow of content and meet deadlines
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including sales, product, and creative, to ensure alignment and maximum impact of marketing efforts
- Collaborate with internal stakeholders to get the content out on time
- Monitor the performance of content and report key metrics
- Perform other marketing-related tasks as assigned by the marketing manager
Ihr Aufgabengebiet:
- Unterstützung der Geschäftsführung in administrativen und organisatorischen Aufgaben
- Koordination und Überwachung von Terminen, Meetings und Geschäftsreisen
- Erstellung von Präsentationen, Berichten und Auswertungen
- Schnittstelle zwischen Geschäftsleitung, Mitarbeitern und externen Partnern
- Unterstützung bei strategischen Entscheidungen und Projekten
- Planung, Umsetzung und Optimierung von Marketingmaßnahmen (Online & Offline)
- Erstellung von Marketingmaterialien, Newslettern und Pressemitteilungen
- Markt- und Wettbewerbsanalysen zur Entwicklung neuer Marketingstrategien
At a glance
- Support the project management office (PMO) of business line GaN
- Support the preparation of project meetings
- Maintain confluence framework for project reporting and project related topics
- Work with the globally distributed project management organization
- Support project management office with project specific tasks
- Mantaining project data for project management organization and management
At a glance
- Manage multi-discipline project teams across various Infineon sites with focus on technology development and assembly
- Interact with different stakeholders, including reporting to internal management, steering committee and external customers
- Strengthen the collaboration and relationship with customers, through both remote meetings and face-to-face workshops
- Motivate and network with the project team, including technology and wafer production counterparts
- Perform risk assessments and drive technical decision making
- Bring a well-defined structure to complex projects
- Be responsible for the project scope, budget, schedule, resource plan as well as management of the project risks
At a glance
- Have regional responsibility of pricing, collaboration with major distributors and customers to develop revenue growth plans
- Coordinate distribution asset management through inventory and resale analysis
- Develop and implement strategies for maximizing market share, revenue, and profit for specific market sectors while setting price guidelines for Field Sales
- Negotiate volume purchasing agreements with customers
- Serve as a primary interface for the product line to establish priorities to balance supply and demand
- Oversee demand management process including the management of new product introductions
- Manage revenue, profit and inventory on behalf of the product line using established key performance indicators
- Provide regional forecast recommendations for revenue by technology and package
- Collaborate with application and product line marketing on Go-to-Market approach for new products and product initiatives and revenue generating opportunities through effective analysis of billings, backlog and inventory data
At a glance
- Perform requirement analyses
- Be responsible for the user management of departments own application
- Support and supervise the software development team
- Test and document new functionalities
- Plan and prioritize work packages for the agile team
- Moderate agile ceremonies
At a glance
- Create and maintain technical documentation, breaking down complex information into simple, reusable pieces and organizing it in a sustainable way
- Set up and master a DITA-based language tool, ensuring quality and consistency of documentation and driving best practices in a continuously evolving tool landscape
- Develop and implement strategies for efficient content generation, including reuse and automation, and create metadata schemas and tagging systems for easy content retrieval
- Support users in finding information and be the first point of contact for new features or processes, providing expertise in HTML, XML, DITA, and AI-powered toolchains
- Work in an agile environment, planning documentation according to project needs, and continuously giving and receiving feedback to and from stakeholders using Jira
- Drive digital transformation by anticipating and implementing future trends, and developing models to represent complex content structures and relationships
- Stärken der Wietersdorfer Unternehmenspräsenz mit kreativen Ideen und klarer Kommunikation – intern wie extern.
- Zentrale Ansprechperson für Corporate Communication mit direkter Berichtslinie an die Konzern-Geschäftsführung
- Entwickeln und Umsetzen eines integrierten Kommunikationskonzepts für die Holding der Wietersdorfer Gruppe
- Gestalten und Betreuen von Inhalten für Social Media & den Website - Auftritt
- Redaktionelle Betreuung des Intranets für interne Kommunikation.
- Zusammenwirken mit Human Resources im Rahmen von Employer Branding Initiativen
- Abwickeln von Projekten wie z.B. Unternehmensvideos, Messeauftritte et al.
- Kooperieren mit externen Partnern & Agenturen (z.B. für Medien- und Pressearbeit, Werbemittel)
In your career, let’s prove what’s possible.
- Manage editorial calendar and co-operate with the global team for developing and localizing content
- Support local media activities: press releases, media events and content development
- Develop content for campaigns and company communications platforms including social media
- Support communications for employee events and community activities
- Implement communications frameworks and processes
- Develop branding materials for internal and external communications and serve as a point of contact for partners
- Ensure brand compliance
At a glance
- Interdisciplinary project-team management across various Infineon sites with focus on power management, ADC, DCDC and radar applications projects
- Technical support of the project team and decision-making
- Responsibility for the project budget, the time- and resource-plan as well as continuous controlling of the project risks and regular reporting to department and division head
- Motivation of the project team
- Proactive communication with different internal and external project partners
Ihre zukünftigen Aufgaben bei uns:
- Skalierung und Erweiterung bestehender und neuer Geschäftsmodelle auf Basis strategischer Analyse und mit starken Fokus auf Transformation-/Changemanagement
- Ableitung strategischer Handlungsempfehlungen und Erstellung von aussagekräftigen Entscheidungsvorlagen für das Senior Management des Konzerns
- Erstellung von strategischem Content, Vorbereitung von themenspezifischen Präsentationen für relevante Stakeholder:innen-Gruppen
- Aufbereiten diverser Unterlagen und Präsentationen für die Mitglieder des Vorstands und des Aufsichtsrats sowie Aufbereitung von und Mitwirkung bei der entsprechenden Vorstandskommunikation mit Fokus auf strategische Themen
- Aktive Gestaltung und Mitwirkung bei der Entwicklung, Operationalisierung und Kommunikation der Unternehmensstrategie
- Eigenständige Leitung und Mitwirkung bei erfolgskritischen Konzern-Projekten
- Durchführung von Markt-, Trend-, Risiko- und Wettbewerbsanalysen sowie Verständnis der europäischen und nationalen regulatorischen Entwicklungen
Vollzeit | befristet | Praktikum
At a glance
- Analyze and describe the measurement system analysis database
- Offer data quality integrity recommendations
- Maintain a business intelligence pipeline
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | Praktikum
Auf einen Blick
- Support Problemlos - Losbewertung
- Unterstützung bei der Einhaltung der Optical Outgoing Inspection (OOI) KPIs
- Erstellung und Weiterentwicklung von monatlichen Reports
At a glance
- Conduct vulnerability assessments and security evaluations
- Develop automation solutions for security processes
- Support developers in identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities
- Ensure database security and network security
- Collaborate with various teams to ensure security and providing training and documentation
At a glance
- Assist engineers in system board design and verification of high power density and innovative solutions in DCDC power conversion
- Build evaluation kits and perform system function verification and testing
- Prepare design documentation, application notes and getting started guides for various solutions developed
- Acquire knowledge and methodology in system design, trouble shooting and analysis
- Analyze test results and document the outcomes
- Collaborate and contribute to development projects
At a glance
- Assisting with setup and operation of test equipment
- Support with designing PCBs for different power converters
- Collecting and analyzing data from experiments
- Troubleshooting technical issues and identifying solutions
Vollzeit | Praktikum | Freelancer, Projektarbeit
At a glance
- Learn about possible technologies available today for power distribution
- Improve your skills in power electronics and power conversion
- Evaluate the existing power distribution systems for mobile robots and drones together with your supervisors and partner universities
- Develop a power distribution system for a safe and reliable multicopter
- Apply this methodology to a new multicopter platform of a partner company
- Document your results by writing and submitting your Master Thesis
At a glance
- System modelling: You will support the simulation of an inverter system using PLECS and MATLAB
- System Verification: You will perform Testbench Measurements and understand the impact of different modulation schemes and conduct an Efficiency study on different control algorithms and switching frequencies
- Simulation environment: You will support the system simulation activities within the system application teams
- Be creative: You create communication material, process concepts, and prepare data visualizations
- Teamwork is dreamwork: You support the team with your profound analysis and results which will trigger further system design activities
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | Praktikum
Auf einen Blick
- Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Durchführung von Awareness Maßnahmen (z.B.Netzwerkisolierung für bestimmte Anlagen) für dedizierte Fachgruppen
- Kommunikationsschnittstelle bei der Übersetzung und Umsetzung von Business Continuity Anforderungen
- Unterstützung von lokalen und standortübergreifenden Projekten
- Unterstützung bei Integrationsaufgaben im Rahmen der globalen Strategie verschiedener spezialisierterSoftware- und Systemlandschaften zur Steigerung der Operational Technology-Security
- Begleitung der lokalen Umsetzung der Anforderungen durch Systemverantwortliche beim Anlagen Lifecycle-Management im Bezug auf OT-Security
- Erstellung regelmäßiger Status- und Testberichte, inkl. KPI im OT-Umfeld
- Beratung von Fachbereichen und Anlagenherstellern im Einkaufsprozess bezüglich OT-Security
At a glance
- Design mechanical systems & power modules, ensuring optimal performance, thermal management, and reliability for AI data centers
- Develop and validate mechanical concepts considering materials, manufacturing, and assembly
- Collaborate with customer engineering teams for seamless integration of Infineon’s solutions
- Work with suppliers to enhance design and manufacturability
- Perform mechanical simulations to predict behavior and refine designs
- Drive fast-prototype fabrication and test for performance and durability
- Optimize designs for manufacturability and cost-effectiveness with manufacturing teams
- Document design processes, test results and technical specifications with cross-functional teams
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | Praktikum
Auf einen Blick
- Unterstützung der elektrotechnischen Betriebsführung vom 110kV Trafo bis zur Steckdose
- Durchführung von Bestandsaufnahmen, Analysen und Auswertungen
- Erarbeitung von Konzepten und Präsentationen
- Berechnung von Leistungsreserven an Verteilungen
- Abwicklung von Kleinprojekten
At a glance
- Design of analog & mixed signal building blocks to meet the requirements
- Verification of analog circuits by building test benches and running simulations using state-of-the-art simulation tools
- Follow-up of the layout phase until mask release
- Automate analog verification using dedicate tools as part of your learning experience
- Support other functions: circuit layout, concept engineering, post silicon test development, verification and product qualification
At a glance
- Design of analog & mixed signal building blocks to meet the requirements
- Verification of analog circuits by building test benches and running simulations using state-of-the-art simulation tools
- Follow-up of the layout phase until mask release
- Automate analog verification using dedicate tools as part of your learning experience
- Support other functions: circuit layout, concept engineering, post silicon test development, verification and product qualification
Vollzeit | befristet | Praktikum
At a glance
- Analog blocks in Infineon microcontrollers
- Analog to Digital (ADC) and Digital to Analog (DAC) converters
- High speed interfaces
- High Precision Oscillators and PLLs
- Power Management Systems (PMS)
- Battery Management Systems (BMS)
- DCDC Converter for low voltage applications and Linear Voltage Regulators (LDOs)
- RF blocks for radar systems
- Bias & Control circuits for 5G antennas
At a glance
- Deploy AI models, automate processes, and support digital transformation initiatives within the Connected Secure Systems
- Collaborate with internal and external partners to understand and gather requirements for AI model deployment
- Develop and automate deployment scripts
- Integrate AI solutions with existing applications to enhance process efficiency
- Prepare and present data analysis and correlation reports
- Create and maintain documentation for AI model development and deployment
- Support digital transformation projects and explore AI challenges
At a glance
- Align the required measurements with the project team
- Plan and prepare measurement hardware environment and program automated measurement procedures
- Execute the verification measurements to reach full test coverage oft he products functionalities
- Illustrate the results and documentation of the measurement setup
- Report the measurement results to the project team
- Work with a very nice and experienced team
- Mainly work in a laboratory environment
At a glance
- Support in the Project Office with main customers and Project Managers
- Project Harmonization (Project Starter Kit, References, Digitalized Task Tracking)
- Knowledge Hub for Project Managers (Organization of Know-How Transfer, Health Checks in projects)
- Project Data Support (Reference Efforts in projects, Dashboards)